Family Dentist in Surrey & North Delta

#1 - 6305 120 St, Delta, BC V4E 2A6

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride-Treatment-surreyDental fluoride treatment is one of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay and maintain excellent dental health in children. Fluoride treatments are safe and effective in decreasing the prevalence of cavities in children by 95% specifically when combined with dental sealants. Fluoride acts as a shield for the outer enamel layer of the teeth and actually has the ability to reverse early dental decay in some cases.

Besides professionally applied Fluoride varnish, Fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste might be recommended to prevent or treat initial caries. In areas where there is no water Fluoridation, Fluoride supplements may be recommended.

What Exactly Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally existing mineral found in water and many foods and within the Earth’s crust. Fluoride is often added to tap water supplies for drinking and toothpaste for children and adults.

Benefits of Dental Fluoride Treatments For Children

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), professionally applied topical fluoride treatments effectively decrease dental decay in children, especially those in a high-risk category for decay. Having fluoride professionally applied during a pediatric dental visit ensures your child’s teeth have received an adequate and protective amount of fluoride to successfully obstruct the acidic breakdown of the enamel layer of the teeth.

In fact, fluoride exposure and intake become particularly important to a child’s dental development starting from the age of six months through sixteen years. This is the span of time when all of the baby’s permanent teeth erupt. (Fluoride is beneficial for adults too.)