Family Dentist in Surrey & North Delta

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How long do dental implants last?

Today we will discuss the most frequently asked question about dental implants – how long will they last? To answer this question, you first need to understand what dental implants are. Dental implants are one of the latest and most popular tooth replacement options dentists offer. These implants are almost similar to your original teeth and need the same care routine. 

The question here is how long these dental implants last. The answer to this question depends on the patient’s choices and overall dental hygiene. 

Luckily over the years, the technology involved in dental implants has widely improved, reducing the chances of dental implant failures. Unlike the times before when dental implant failure used to occur due to rejection or functionality issues, today, no such problems arise. Still, some cases can cause dental implant failure – These issues include any pre-existing ailment or disease. 

To understand how long dental implants tend to last, you also need to know what they are made of. So, let’s discuss what implants are made of. There are three components in dental Implant – Implant, Abutment, and Crown. Where the Implant is made using titanium or zirconia which acts as a root for the crown there, Abutment is fastened to the implants and is responsible for holding the crown. Lastly, the crown is a false ceramic tooth that is mounted atop of the Abutment which provides the look and function of the natural tooth. 

Since all the material used to make dental implants is strong and of high quality, the implants are usually expected to last long. Although, there are several things that one needs to consider for their maintenance. Regular brushing and flossing can increase the life of these implants. You need to take care of these dental implants the way you would take care of original teeth. It is highly recommended to go for regular checkups with your dentist to make sure everything is working properly and is fine or not. 

In our experience at Sterling Family Dentistry, we have observed the crown to last a maximum of 10-15 years after which they need to be replaced. But in case there is any wear or tear in the crown before that, it is advisable to get them replaced. Remember, there is no particular or definitive answer to this question as it would completely depend on the care and maintenance of an individual. If you maintain proper hygiene and take care of the dental implants, it might last longer than expected. 

Following are a few tips for taking care of your dental implants – 

To help maintain healthy dental implants and make them last longer, here are a few tips that we would like to share with you. Follow all these tips, and you will be amazed how long your dental implants would last – 

  • Brush regularly and thoroughly 
  • Floss regularly 
  • Avoid eating sticky or hard food as much as possible. 
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol as it would damage the implants 
  • Go for regular checkups. 

These are a few things that you need to consider adopting to make your dental implants last longer. 


In the end, we would like to say that dental implants are a good choice for those who have lost their teeth and need a replacement. It is far better than dentures and is very easy to maintain. If you still have any questions regarding dental implants, you can contact us.