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Important Dental Health Tips to Teach Your Kids

As children age, a beautiful, bright smile gives them confidence. So, it’s important for parents to make their kids learn about the importance of dental care procedures at an early age. By making your kids learn the value of good oral hygiene habits early, they will be able to maintain their oral health for lifetime.

Following are a few important dental health tips to teach your kids:

Make oral health a part of your lesson plans

Incorporating oral health in your lesson plans will highlight its importance and help your kids learn how to keep their teeth healthy. It is advisable to add some activities related to oral health in your lesson plans. You should collect some books about teeth, tooth models, and other educational materials to teach the importance of dental health to your kids.

Invite a dentist to teach about dental health to your children

A professional dentist can tell the best way to brush teeth and can answer any queries kids have about dental health. A visit from a family dentist can also help kids feel more comfortable going to the dentist. If you can’t find any dentist to come to talk with your kids about dental health, try to find an informational video about brushing and flossing for your kids to watch.

Buy Fun Toothbrushes and Flavored Toothpaste

It is advisable to gift your kids’ toothbrushes in their favorite colors or featuring their favorite cartoons. This will create excitement for your kids. Or you can bring your kids to the store and ask them to choose their favorite flavors. You must buy dental supplies of your kids’ choice.

Set specific times for brushing teeth

Well, it is important to have your kids brush their teeth in the morning and night. You must teach them the habit of brushing their teeth immediately after eating any sugary foods and drinking sodas.

Reward your kid

Sugary food items are not recommended to give them as rewards. It is advisable to reward your kid with a new toy. This will motivate your kid to brush his/her teeth regularly.

Lead by example

You should get yourself in the habit of maintaining your dental health before teaching them the same. By setting yourself as an example, you can get into the habit of practicing good oral health.

Teach them to brush at school

Pack a travel toothbrush in your child’s backpack so that he/she can brush teeth after having snacks or lunch at school.

Teach the importance of flossing to your child

Flossing is also important just like brushing and may help prevent gum disease. Keep in mind that gum diseases can cause major health complications later in life.

Ask your child not to skip breakfast

Some studies have shown that people who eat a high protein breakfast will not feel cravings for sweets during the day.

Encourage them to reduce sugar in their diets

As a parent, you can replace sugary snacks with healthy food items i.e. fruit, cheese, and water.

While dental health may not be a top priority in everyone’s daily routine, the above tips can make a big difference. When you start keeping an eye on dental habits during the early stages of a child’s life, you can prevent a lot of dental issues in the future!