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Truth about Gummy Vitamins and Your Teeth

Nowadays it is difficult to make sure your child is getting a healthy, nutritious meal. With parents so busy and kids in so many activities, sometimes it is hard to make a home cooked meal. When you are at home, you have to rely on boxed or prepackaged foods, which are not always a healthy option. When you are away from home, unfortunately, you have to have the kids eat fast food. Of course, they like this option, but you do not.

As a parent, you often restrict your kid’s consumption of sweet stuff – especially if it’s this sticky, sugary food. But how about if this sweet, chewy gummy bear contains vitamins? Is it really healthy? Is it something parents should be happy about?


  • Gummy bear vitamins, which looks like a regular sweet treat for kids, are the easiest way to have your child take their daily dose of vitamins rather than the regular tablet or pill.
  • It’s easier for them to swallow gummy bear vitamins ­compared to hard tablets– which is why even adults enjoy these sweet vitamin treats.
  • There are several flavours of gummy bear vitamins to accommodate childrens’ preferences.


  • Children often tend to take more than the required dosage since it appears like a regular sweet treat for them. Make sure to keep it in storage away from children’s reach.
  • The gummy and sticky structure of gummy bears can be damaging to your child’s teeth. It is best to let your child drink a lot of water and brush their teeth after consuming their daily dose of gummy bear vitamins.
  • Gummy bear vitamins usually have lower percentages of nutrients compared to non-gummy bear pills. Reading the labels will help you decide which form of vitamins you will give to your child.

Gummy bear vitamins contain more sugar content than regular tablets. Bacteria found in the mouth takes its nutrition by digesting sugar from the food you eat and produces tooth-destructive acid as its by-product.

Therefore, parents should encourage their child drink water and brush their teeth after consuming gummy bear vitamins. After brushing, make certain that there are no sticky bits left in between teeth. This reminder is not only for kids, but to adults who also enjoy gummy bear vitamins!